Swapnil Agrawal

Hello, I am a MERN stack developer, worked on several personal projects using React, Nodejs and MongoDB, Love to solve coding Problems on platforms like leetcode, codeforces, codechef etc, Also Love to Read Books for Personal Development.


Web Developer Intern

(Darwin Digitech Pvt. Ltd.)
  • Built various reusable UI components in React and unit tested with Enzyme and Jest testing library, used across application.
  • Inegrated UI with backend using Javascript's async/await feature and fetch method.
  • Performed Various Api Methods which includes get, post, put and patch.
  • Applied and learnt Various hidden features of React includes React memo, useCallback.
  • First time, leanrt react-native and built mobile application screens in react-native.
  • Made a collaboration with Backend, AI team and Integerated Backend and AI model with UI.
Certificate Link
May 2021 - July 2021


Bill Splitting Web App

  • Graph based Web application with idea of splitting various trip bills between friends.
  • Built graph based logic of main part of the application which consist some graph data-structure rules.
  • Developed Authentication part on backend using firebase as database.
  • Developed Code which shows various events like amount added, group created, joined group etc.
  • Used nodejs as backend language, integrated it with firebase.
Github Link
May 2021 - Present

A Shopping website for Books

  • Built Complete Frontend and Backend Part of this web application with reactjs in frontend and Nodejs as backend.
  • Worked on non-relational database MongoDb and integrated it with Frontend through Api.
  • Developed Rest API for Complete Application.
  • Features inlcudes Admin/User Panel, Add/Edit/Delete product by Admin, Purchase/Status of product on User Side.
  • Inegrated Braintree's Payment gateway configured with Paypal.
Github Link
November 2020 - December 2020

Dev-Shooter-A Browser Game

  • Developed a gaming project using Javascript, HTML5 and CSS3, used canvas library.
  • Developed various functions like Shooting to Enemy, Gain Points, Gain Bonus Points, pause/play functionality, slow down game screen etc.
Game Link
September 2020 - November 2020

Instagram Clone

  • First time, developed a complete full stack project with complete frontend in Reactjs, Backend in Nodejs, and database in MongoDB.
  • Developed Authentication, create post, search user, follow another user, comment and like some other’s post, edit profile.
Clone Link
July 2020 - August 2020

Other Minor Projects

  • Image Cover website for making a cover image, authetication
  • Landing Page, News App, Corona Data present website.
  • Student Crud Manage, Pocket Dictionary
  • File Upload on AWS using nodejs typescript.


Swami Keshwanand Institute Of Technology

Bachelor of Technology
Computer Science
August 2018 - Present

Shree Mahesh Siksha Sadan School

Senior Secondary


JULY 2017 - APRIL 2018

Shree Mahesh Siksha Sadan School



JULY 2015 - APRIL 2016


Programming Languages & Tools
  • Mobile-First, Responsive Design.
  • Use Of React Library to Build Frontend.
  • REST API development using Nodejs
  • Use of no-sql DataBase ex: MongoDB
  • Server Side Rendering Using Nextjs
  • Good Project Structuring, Clean and Readable Coding.
  • Little Bit Knowledge of testing of React Components with Enzyme and jest.


Apart from development, I enjoy most of my time reading books for personal development, apart from this i enjoy enjoy reading new blogs regarding tech.

I also love to spend some time on youtube to find latest technology, to find some enjoyable programmes.

Awards & Certifications

  • Solved Almost 500+ Problems including CodeChef, LeetCode etc.
  • 16th Place - Coding Competition in SKIT college organized by Coding Blocks, 2020
  • Javascript Certificate From freecodecamp ,2020
  • Web Development Certificate From Udemy,2020
  • Member of my College club in 2019 (SAE India Club), Spent time with Electronics team.
  • 3rd Place - 5 days of Coding Nurture Bootcamp, 2020
  • 5 th Place - Spoken English Competition Organized by NIFA, Bhilwara, in 2017
  • 1 st Place - 2 Semester of College Academics in 2019